Queen majesty, may I speak to thee?
So much I have longed to speak to you alone.
True I agree, I'm not of your society.
I'm not a king just a minstrel
With my songs to you I moan.
Though just a minstrel
in life we're so far apart
But royal queen, I see love in your heart.
I love you too, your majesty.
Isn't this really true?
These things I ask of you.
Oh, oh majesty
could you really care for me?
Minstrel and queen.
A queen with no king.
I'm a minstrel subpar
but could this really mean anything?
As long as you love me
And it won't be so hard
As long as I see love, love in your heart
I love you too
Honest I do.
Minstrel and queen.
For you I'll do any anything.
I've been your slave…