I open up my door
To greet the early morning sun.
Closing it behind me
And away I do run to the meadow
Where the meadow lark is singing in the tree.
In the meadow I go walking
In the early morning breeze.
I cup my hands to catch
A multi-colored butterfly
Perched upon the petals
Of flowers growing wild.
Freeing it I watch it as it flies away from me.
To visit with the flowers
In the early morning breeze.
Rainbow colored flowers
Kissed with early morning sun:
The aster and the dahlia and wild geraniums.
Drops of morning due still linger on the iris leaves.
In the meadow where I'm walking
In the early morning breeze.
Misty-eyed I look about the meadow
Where I stray.
For its there I find the courage
To greet the coming day.
For there among the flowers I kneel gently to my knees.
To have a word with God
In the early morning breeze.
Rainbow colored flowers
Kissed with early morning sun:
The aster and the dahlia and wild geraniums.
Drops of morning due still linger on the iris leaves.
In the meadow where I'm walking
In the early morning breeze...